238. Fabrication of Na-ion Full-cells using Carbon-coated Na3V2(PO4)2O2F Cathode with Conversion Type CuO Nanoparticles from Spent Li-ion Batteries, K. Subramanyan, M. Akshay, M.L. Divya, Y.S. Lee, and V. Aravindan*, Advanced Materials Technologies (In Press)
237. Choice of Binder on Conversion Type CuO Nanoparticles toward Building High Energy Li-ion Capacitors: An Approach beyond Intercalation, M. Akshay, K. Subramanyan, M.L. Divya, Y.S. Lee, and V. Aravindan*, Advanced Materials Technologies (In Press)
236. Pencil Scripted Ultrathin Graphene Nanostructure as Binder‐free Battery type Electrode for Li‐ion micro‐capacitors with Excellent Performance, K.P. Shadiya, M.L. Divya, Y.S. Lee, and V. Aravindan*, Energy Technology (In Press)
235. Developments and perspectives on robust nano- and micro-structured binder-free electrodes for bi-functional water electrolysis and beyond, S. Chandrasekaran, M. Khandelwal, F. Dayong, L. Sui, J.S. Chung, R.D.K. Misra, P.Yin, E.J. Kim, W. Kim, V. Aravindan, Y. Liu, S.H. Hur, H. Zhang, and C. Bowen, Advanced Energy Materials (In Press)
234. Fabrication of Na-ion Full-cells using Carbon-coated Na3V2(PO4)2O2F Cathode with Conversion Type CuO Nanoparticles from Spent Li-ion Batteries, K. Subramanyan, M. Akshay, Y.S. Lee, and V. Aravindan*, Small Methods (In Press)
233. Should we recycle the graphite from spent lithium-ion batteries? The untold story of graphite with the importance of recycling, S. Natarajan, M.L. Divya and V. Aravindan*, Journal of Energy Chemistry 71 (2022) 351
232. Stabilizing the high voltage LiCoPO4 cathode via Fe-doping in the gram-scale synthesis, S. Sreedeep, S. Natarajan, Y.S. Lee and V. Aravindan*, Electrochimica Acta 419 (2022) 140367
231. Graphene from Spent Lithium-Ion Batteries, M.L. Divya, S. Natarajan and V. Aravindan*, Batteries & Supercaps (In Press) (Invited contribution)
230. High-Performance Li-ion capacitor via Anion Intercalation process, A.R. Rajalekshmi, M.L. Divya, Y.S. Lee and V. Aravindan*, Battery Energy 1 (2022) 20210005 (Invited contribution)
229. Recycling/Reuse of Current Collectors from Spent Lithium-ion Batteries: Benefits and Issues, S. Natarajan, M. Akshay, and V. Aravindan*, Advanced Sustainable Systems 6 (2022) 2100432
228. Interface modulation of a lamellar-like spatially separated Ni9S8 nanosheet/Nb2O5 nanobelt heterostructure catalyst coupled with nitrogen and metal (M = Co, Fe, or Cu) to accelerate acidic and alkaline hydrogen evolution reactions, S. Chandrasekaran, Z. Yang, L. Na, L. Sui, Z. Xiao, F. Dayong, V. Aravindan, C. Bowen, H. Lu, and Y. Liu, Chemical Engineering Journal 431 (2022) 134073
227. Next-Generation Li-ion Capacitor with High Energy and High Power by Limiting Alloying-Intercalation Process Using SnO2@Graphite Composite as Battery Type Electrode, M.L. Divya, S. Praneetha, Y.S. Lee, and V. Aravindan*, Composites Part B: Engineering 230 (2022) 109487
226. Recent Advancements in LiCoPO4 Cathodes Using Electrolyte Additives, S. Sreedeep, S. Natarajan and V. Aravindan*, Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 31 (2022) 100868 (Invited contribution)

225. Solvent-co-Intercalation: An Emerging Mechanism in Metal-ion Capacitors, M.L. Divya, Y.S.Lee, and V. Aravindan*, ACS Energy Letters 6 (2021) 4228 (Invited contribution)
224. Modulating Anion Redox Activity of Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2 through Strong Sr–O Bonds toward Achieving Stable Li-Ion Half-/Full-Cell Performance, V. Murugan, RSA. Saravanan, K. Thangaian, T. Partheeban, V. Aravindan, S. Madhavi, M. Sasidharan, and KK. Bharathi, ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (2021) 11234
223. Building Next-Generation Supercapacitors with Battery type Ni(OH)2, S. Natarajan, M. Ulaganathan and V. Aravindan*, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (2021) 15542
222. High Energy Na-Ion Capacitor Employing Graphitic Carbon Fibers from Waste Rubber with Diglyme-Based Electrolyte, M.L. Divya, J. Sundaramurthy, Y.S. Lee, and V. Aravindan*, Chemical Engineering Journal 426 (2021) 130892
221. Dual–Carbon Na–ion Capacitors: Progress and Future Prospects, K. Subramanyan, M.L. Divya, and V. Aravindan*, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9 (2021) 9431
220. Fabrication of “Rocking-Chair” Type High Energy Li-ion Power Packs with Carbon-Coated LiCoPO4 as Cathode and Graphite Anode, S. Sreedeep and V. Aravindan*, Materials Letters 291 (2021) 129609
219. Binary NaCl-NaF and NaCl-LiF flux mediated growth of mixed-valence (V3+/4+) NASICON type Na3V2(PO4)2F2.5O0.5 and Na2.4Li0.6V2(PO4)2F2.5O0.5 for highly reversible Na- and Li-ion storage, T. Partheeban, B. Senthilkumar, V. Aravindan, S. Madhavi, and M. Sasidharan, ACS Applied Energy Materials 4 (2021) 1387
218. Metal-ion Capacitors with Anion Intercalation Process, A.R. Rajalekshmi, M.L. Divya, S. Natarajan, and V. Aravindan*, Advanced Energy and Sustainability Research 2 (2021) 2000069 (Invited Contribution)
217. Li-ion Capacitor via Solvent-co-intercalation Process from Spent Li-ion Battery, M.L. Divya, Y.S. Lee, and V. Aravindan*, Batteries & Supercaps 4 (2021) 671 (Invited for the special issue of Metal-ion Hybrid Supercapacitors)
216. Interfacial Engineering in a cathode composite based on Garnet-type Solid-state Li-ion battery with high voltage cycling, R. Balasubramaniam, C.W. Nam, V. Aravindan, and Y.S. Lee, ChemElectroChem 8 (2021) 570
215. Impact of carbonate-based electrolytes on the electrochemical activity of carbon-coated Na3V2(PO4)2F3 cathode in full-cell assembly with hard carbon anode, K. Subramanyan, Y.S. Lee, and V. Aravindan*, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 582 (2021) 51
214. Highly Perforated V2O5 Cathode with Restricted Lithiation Towards Building “Rocking-Chair” Type Cell with Graphite Anode Recovered from Spent Li-ion Batteries, M.L. Divya, S. Natarajan, Y.S. Lee, and V. Aravindan*, Small 16 (2020) 2002624
213.Highly Reversible Na-intercalation into Graphite Recovered from spent Li-ion Batteries towards Building High energy Na-ion Capacitor with Ultralong Durability, M.L. Divya, S. Natarajan, Y.S. Lee, and V. Aravindan*, ChemSusChem 13 (2020) 5654
212.LiBO2-modified LiCoO2 as an efficient cathode with garnet framework Li6.75La3Zr1.75Nb0.25O12 electrolyte toward building all-solid-state lithium battery for high-temperature operation, B. Ramkumar, K.S. Young, N.C. Woo, V. Aravindan, and Y.S. Lee, Electrochimica Acta 359 (2020) 136955
211. Co3O4 Nanosheets as Battery Type Electrode for High Energy Li-Ion Capacitors: A Sustained Li-Storage via Conversion Pathway, P. Sennu, S. Madhavi, V. Aravindan*, and Y.S. Lee, ACS Nano 14 (2020) 10648
210. An Urgent Call to Spent LIB Recycling: Whys and Wherefores for Graphite Recovery, S. Natarajan and V. Aravindan*, Advanced Energy Materials 10 (2020) 2002238 (Invited for the special issue of 10 years of Advanced Energy Materials)
209. Supersaturated "Water-in-Salt" Hybrid Electrolyte Towards Building High Voltage Na-ion Capacitors with Wide Temperatures Operation, P. Sennu, R. Chua, S.S.H. Dintakurti, J.V. Hanna, R.O. Ramabhadran, V. Aravindan, and S. Madhavi, Journal of Power Sources 472 (2020) 228558
208. Exploring the Usage of LiCrTiO4 as Cathode Towards Constructing 1.4 V Class Li-ion Cells with Graphite Anode Recovered From Spent Li-Ion Battery, K. Subramanyan, S. Natarajan, Y.S. Lee, and V. Aravindan*, Chemical Engineering Journal 197 (2020) 125472
207. Restricted lithiation into layered V2O5 cathode towards building “Rocking-chair” type Li-ion batteries and beyond..., S. Natarajan, S.J. Kim, and V. Aravindan*, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (2020) 9843
206. Direct Regeneration of Polyolefin Separators from Spent Li-ion Battery for Second Life, S. Natarajan, K. Subramanyan, R.B. Dhanalakshmi, A.M. Stephan, and V. Aravindan*, Batteries & Supercaps 3 (2020) 581
205. Sandwich Layered Li0.32Al0.68MnO2(OH)2 from Spent Li-ion Battery to Build High-Performance Supercapacitor: Waste to Energy Storage Approach, S. Natarajan, K. Subramani, Y.S. Lee, M. Sathish, and V. Aravindan*, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 827 (2020) 154336
204. Achieving High Energy Dual-Carbon Li-ion Capacitor with Unique Low- and High-Temperature Performance from Spent Li-ion Batteries, M.L. Divya, S. Natarajan, Y.S. Lee, and V. Aravindan*, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (2020) 4950
203. Deciphering Structure–Property Relationship of Na-Mn-Co-Mg-O as Novel High-Capacity Layered-Tunnel Hybrid Cathode and Its Application in Sodium-Ion Capacitors, H.J. Kim, R.H. Vignesh, G.H. Jeong, V. Aravindan, and Y.S. Lee, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 12 (2020) 10268
202. Atomic Layer Deposition of Al2O3 on P2-Na0.5Mn0.5Co0.5O2 as Interfacial Layer for High Power Sodium-Ion Batteries, H.V. Ramasamy, P.N. Didwal, S. Sinha, V. Aravindan, J. Heo, C.J. Park, and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 564 (2020) 467
201. Highly Reversible Water Splitting Cell Building from Hierarchical 3D Nickel Manganese Oxyphosphide Nanosheets, J. Balamurugan, T.T. Nguyen, V. Aravindan, N.H. Kim, and J.H. Lee, Nano Energy 69 (2020) 104432
200. Developments and Perspectives in 3d Transition Metals Based Electrocatalysts for Neutral and Near-neutral Water Electrolysis, S. Anantharaj and V. Aravindan*, Advanced Energy Materials 10 (2020) 1902666
199. Surface Enriched Graphene Hollow Spheres towards Building Ultra-High Power Sodium-Ion Capacitor with Long Durability, T. Ranjith, A.G. Kannan, R. Ponraj, G. Yoon, V. Aravindan, D.W. Kim, W.S. Yoon, K. Kang, and Y.S. Lee, Energy Storage Materials 25 (2020) 702
198. Transformation of Spent Li-ion Battery in to High Energy Supercapacitors in Asymmetric configuration, S. Natarajan, M. Ulaganathan, H.C. Bajaj and V. Aravindan*, ChemElectroChem 6 (2019) 5283
197. Focus On Spinel Li4Ti5O12 as Insertion Type Anode for High-Performance Na-ion Batteries, S. Natarajan, K. Subramanyan, and V. Aravindan*, Small 15 (2019) 1908044
196. Efficient Bifunctional Catalytic Activity of Nanoscopic Pd-decorated La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ Perovskite towards Li-O2 battery, oxygen reduction, and oxygen evolution reactions, M.Y. Oh, J.J. Lee, H.S. Park, T.Y. Kim, Y.S. Lee, V. Aravindan, and K.S. Nahm, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 80 (2019) 686
195. Electrochemically Generated g-LixV2O5 as Insertion Host for High Energy Li-ion Capacitors, M.L. Divya and V. Aravindan*, Chemistry- An Asian Journal 14 (2019) 4665 (Invited for CRSI Special Issue)
194. All Ternary Metal Selenide Nanostructures for High Energy Flexible Charge Storage Devices, J. Balamurugan, T.T. Nguyen, V. Aravindan, N.H. Kim, and J.H. Lee, Nano Energy 65 (2019) 103999
193. Stibium: A Promising Electrode Towards Building High-Performance Na-Ion Full Cells, K. Subramanyam, and V. Aravindan*, Chem 5 (2019) 3096
192. Biomass-Derived Carbons: A Value-Added Journey towards Constructing High Energy Supercapacitors in Asymmetric Manner, M.L. Divya, S. Natarajan, Y.S. Lee, and V. Aravindan*, ChemSusChem 12 (2019) 4353
191. Boosting the Energy Density of Flexible Solid-State Supercapacitors via Both Ternary NiV2Se4 and NiFe2Se4 Nanosheet Array Supercapacitors T.T. Nguyen, J. Balamurugan, V. Aravindan, N.H. Kim, and J.H. Lee, Chemistry of Materials 12 (2019) 4490
190. Enhancement of Electrochemical Activity of Ni-rich LiNi0.8Mn0.1Co0.1O2 by Precisely Controlled Al2O3 Nanocoatings via Atomic Layer Deposition, H.V. Ramasamy, S. Sinha, J. Park, M. Gong, V. Aravindan, J. Heo, and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology 10 (2019) 196
189. Biomass-Derived Carbon as Prospective Electrode for Constructing High Energy Li-ion and Na-ion Capacitors, S. Natarajan, Y.S. Lee, and V. Aravindan*, Chemistry-An Asian Journal 14 (2019) 936
188. Template-Free Synthesis of Carbon Hollow Spheres and Reduced Graphene Oxide from Spent Lithium-ion Batteries towards Efficient Gas Storage, S. Natarajan, H.C. Bajaj, and V. Aravindan*, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (2019) 3244
187. All Carbon Based High Energy Lithium-Ion Capacitors from Biomass: The Role of Crystallinity, P. Sennu, N. Arun, S. Madhavi, V. Aravindan*, and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Power Sources 414 (2019) 96
186. From Electrodes to Electrodes: Building High-Performance Li-Ion Capacitor and Battery from Spent Li-Ion Battery Carbonaceous Materials, V. Aravindan*, J. Sundaramurthy, F. Tedjar, and S. Madhavi, ChemElectroChem 6 (2019) 1407
185. High Power Na-Ion Capacitor with TiS2 as Insertion Host, A. Chaturvedi, P. Hu, Y. Long, C. Kloc, S. Madhavi, and V. Aravindan*, Scripta Materialia 161 (2019) 54
184. Burgeoning Prospects of Spent Lithium-ion Batteries in Multifarious Applications, S. Natarajan, and V. Aravindan*, Advanced Energy Materials 8 (2018) 1802303
183. An Electrochemical Route to Alleviate Irreversible Capacity Loss from Conversion Type α-Fe2O3 Anodes by LiVPO4F Pre-lithiation, V. Aravindan*, R. Satish, S. Jayaraman, and S. Madhavi, ACS Applied Energy Materials 1 (2018) 5198
182. Flexible Solid-State Asymmetric Supercapacitors Based on Nitrogen-Doped Graphene Encapsulated Ternary Metal-Nitrides with Ultralong Cycle life, J. Balamurugan, T.T. Nguyen, V. Aravindan, N.H. Kim, and J.H. Lee, Advanced Functional Materials 28 (2018) 1804663
181. Recycling Strategies for Spent Li-Ion Battery Mixed Cathodes, S. Natarajan, and V. Aravindan*, ACS Energy Letters 3 (2018) 2101
180. Building Next Generation Li-ion Capacitors with High Energy: An Approach beyond Intercalation, V. Aravindan* and Y.S. Lee, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 9 (2018) 3946
179. Hierarchical Ni-Mo-S and Ni-Fe-S Nanosheets with Ultrahigh Energy Density for Flexible All Solid-State Supercapacitors, J. Balamurugan, C. Li, V. Aravindan, N.H. Kim, and J.H. Lee, Advanced Functional Materials 28 (2018) 1803287
178. Unusual Li-storage properties of Two Dimensional ReS2 Single Crystals, A. Chaturvedi, P. Hu, A. Ray, C. Kloc, S. Madhavi and V. Aravindan*, Batteries & Supercaps 1 (2018) 69
177. Exploring Two Dimensional Co0.33In2.67S2.29Se1.71 as Alloy Type Negative Electrode for Li-ion Battery with Olivine LiFePO4 Cathode, A. Chaturvedi, S.A. Morris, P. Hu, Y. Long, C. Kloc, M. Duchamp, S. Madhavi and V. Aravindan*, Materials Today Energy 9 (2018) 19
176. Bulk metal-derived metal oxide nanoparticles on oxidized carbon surface, H.K. Kim, V. Aravindan, D. Mhamane, S.B. Yoon, S.H. Park, M.N. Samani, J.T. Han, H.S. Park, K.C. Roh, and K.B. Kim, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 752 (2018) 198


175. Elongated Graphitic Hollow Nanofibers as Prospective Insertion Host for Constructing Advanced High Energy Li-Ion Capacitor and Battery, S. Jayaraman, G. Singh, S. Madhavi and V. Aravindan*, Carbon 134 (2018) 9
174. Orderly meso-perforated spherical and apple-shaped 3D carbon microstructures for high-energy supercapacitors and high-capacity Li-ion battery anodes, D. Mhamane, M.S. Kim, B.H. Park, H.S. Choi, Y.H. Kim, V. Aravindan*, A. Phadkule, and K.B. Kim, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (2018) 6422
173. Achieving High Energy Li-Ion Capacitor and Battery Using Graphitic Carbon Spheres as Insertion Host from Cooking Oil, J. Sundaramurthy, S. Madhavi and V. Aravindan*, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (2018) 3242
172. Two dimensional TiS2 as promising insertion anode for Na-ion battery, A. Chaturvedi, E. Edison, N. Arun, P. Hu, C. Kloc, V. Aravindan* and S. Madhavi, Chemistry Select 3 (2018) 524
171. Electrochemical Activity of Hematite Phase in Full-Cell Li-ion Assemblies, V. Aravindan* and Y.S. Lee, Advanced Energy Materials 8 (2018) 1702841
170. Morphology Controlled Lithium Storage in Li3VO4 Anode, G. Yang, B. Zhang, J. Feng, Y. Lu, Z. Wang, V. Aravindan, M. Aravind, J. Liu, S. Madhavi, Z. Shen and Y. Huang, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (2018) 456
169. Structural, Thermal and Electrochemical Studies of Novel Li2CoxMn1-x(SO4)2 Bi-metallic Sulphates, M. Aravind, T. Baikie, M. Ulaganathan, Y. Guang, M. Copley, V. Aravindan*, and S. Madhavi, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121 (2017) 24971
168. Tailored Perovskite Li0.33La0.56TiO3 via an Adipic Acid-Assisted Solution Process: A Promising Solid Electrolyte for Lithium Batteries, H.J. Choi, S.Y. Kim, M.K. Gong, H. Vignesh, V. Aravindan, Y.G. Lee, and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 729 (2017) 338
167. Ex-Situ XAS Investigation On the Influence of Binders on Electrochemical Performance of Li2Fe(SO4)2 Cathode, M. Aravind, T. Baike, S. Shukla, S. Ball, M. Copley, T.I. Hyde, Y. Du, G. Sankar, V. Aravindan, and S. Madhavi, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (2017) 19963
166. Achieving High Energy Li-ion Capacitors with Two Dimensional TiSe0.6S1.4 as Insertion Host, A. Chaturvedi, P. Hu, C. Kloc, Y.S. Lee, V. Aravindan*, and S. Madhavi, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (2017) 19819
165. Exceptional Catalytic Activity of Hollow Structured La0.6Sr0.4CoO3-δ Perovskite Spheres in Aqueous Media and Aprotic Li-O2 Battery, P. Sennu, V. Aravindan, K.S. Nahm, and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (2017) 18029
164. Chemically Bonded NaTi2(PO4)3/rGO Microsphere Composite as High-Rate Insertion Anode for Sodium-Ion Capacitor, H.K. Roh, M.S. Kim, K.Y. Chung, M. Ulaganathan, V. Aravindan*, S. Madhavi, K.C. Roh, and K.B. Kim, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (2017) 17506
163. Practical Li-Ion Battery Assembly with One-Dimensional Active Materials, V. Aravindan*, P. Sennu, Y.S. Lee and S. Madhavi, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8 (2017) 4031
Before Joining IISER-T
162. Exploring the Influence of Iron Substitution in Lithium Rich Layered Oxides Li2Ru1−xFexO3: Triggering the Anionic redox reaction, R. Satish, K. Lim, N. Bucher, S. Hartung, V. Aravindan, J. Franklin, J.S. Lee, M.F. Toney and S. Madhavi, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (2017) 14387
161. Exploring High Energy Li-i(r)on Battery and Capacitor with Conversion Type Fe3O4-rGO as Negative Electrode, H.K. Kim, V. Aravindan*, H.K. Roh, K.J. Lee, M.H. Jung, S. Madhavi, K.C. Roh and K.B. Kim, ChemElectroChem 4 (2017) 2626
160. b-Co(OH)2nanosheets: A superior pseudocapacitive electrode for high energy supercapacitors, M. Ulaganathan, M. Maharjan, Q. Yan, V. Aravindan*, and S. Madhavi, Chemistry-An Asian Journal 12 (2017) 2127
159. Fabrication of high energy Li-ion capacitors from orange peel derived porous carbon, M. Maharjan, M. Ulaganathan, V. Aravindan*, S. Sreejith, Q. Yan, S. Madhavi, J.Y. Wang, and T.M. Lim, Chemistry Select 2 (2017) 5051
158. Marine algae inspired pre-treated SnO2 nanorods bundle as negative electrode for Li-ion capacitor and battery: An approach beyond intercalation, P. Sennu, V. Aravindan and Y.S. Lee, Chemical Engineering Journal 324 (2017) 26
157. Unveiling two-dimensional TiS2 as insertion host for constructing high energy Li-ion capacitors, A. Chaturvedi, P. Hu, V. Aravindan*, C. Kloc and S. Madhavi, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (2017) 9177
156. Cu-doped P2-Na0.5Ni0.33Mn0.67O2 encapsulated with MgO as novel high voltage cathode with enhanced Na-storage properties, H.V. Ramasamy, K. Kaliyappan, R. Tangavel, V. Aravindan, K. Kang, X. Sun, and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (2017) 8408
155. Highly stable nanostructured intermetallic FeSn2-graphite composite anode for Na-ion batteries, E. Edison, W.C. Ling, V. Aravindan*, and S. Madhavi, ChemElectroChem 4 (2017) 1932
154. Solvothermal synthesis of Li3VO4: morphology control and electrochemical performance as anode for lithium-ion batteries, G. Yang, J. Feng, B. Zhang, V. Aravindan, D. Peng, X. Cao, S. Madhavi, and Y. Huang, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (2017) 22167
153. Formation of NiCo2O4 rods over Co3O4nanosheets as an efficient catalyst for Li-O2 batteries and water splitting, P. Sennu, H.S. Park, K.U. Park, V. Aravindan, K.S. Nahm and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Catalysis 349 (2017) 175
152. Li-ion vs. Na-ion capacitors: A performance evaluation with coconut shell derived mesoporous carbon and natural plant based hard carbon, S. Jayaraman, A. Jain, M. Ulaganathan, E. Edison, M.P. Srinivasan, R. Balasubramanian, V. Aravindan* and S. Madhavi, Chemical Engineering Journal 316 (2017) 506
151. Nanostructured intermetallic FeSn2-carbonaceous composites as highly stable anode for Na-ion batteries, E. Edison, R. Satish, W.C. Ling, N. Bucher, V. Aravindan* and S. Madhavi, Journal of Power Sources 343 (2017) 296
150. Highly mesoporous carbon from Teakwood sawdust as prospective electrode for the construction of high energy Li-ion capacitors, A. Jain, S. Jayaraman, M. Ulaganathan, R. Balasubramanian, V. Aravindan*, M.P. Srinivasan and S. Madhavi, Electrochimica Acta 228 (2017) 131
149. Best practices for mitigating irreversible capacity loss of negative electrodes in Li-ion batteries, V. Aravindan*, Y.S. Lee, and S. Madhavi, Advanced Energy Materials 7 (2017) 1602607
148. High energy Li-ion capacitors with conversion type Mn3O4 particulates anchored few layer graphene as negative electrode, M. Ulaganathan, V. Aravindan*, W.C. Ling, Q. Yan, and S. Madhavi, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (2016) 15134 (An invited contribution)
147. Synthesis of SnS2 single crystals and its Li-storage performance with LiMn2O4 cathode, A. Chaturvedi, V. Aravindan*, P. Hu, R.R. Prabhakar, L.H. Wong, C. Kloc and S. Madhavi, Applied Materials Today 5 (2016) 68
146. Overlithiated Li1+xNi0.5Mn1.5O4 in all one dimensional architecture with conversion type α-Fe2O3: A new approach to eliminate irreversible capacity loss, V. Aravindan*, N. Arun, N. Shubha, S. Jayaraman and S. Madhavi, Electrochimica Acta 215 (2016) 647
145. Red mud and Li-ion battery: A Magnetic Connection, A. Suryawanshi, V. Aravindan, S. Madhavi, and S. Ogale, ChemSusChem 9 (2016) 2193
144. LiVPO4F: A new cathode for high-energy lithium ion capacitors, R. Satish, V. Aravindan*, W.C. Ling, and S. Madhavi, Chemistry Select 1 (2016) 3316
143. TiO2-reduced graphene oxide nanocomposites by microwave-assisted forced hydrolysis as excellent insertion anode for lithium-ion batteries and capacitor, H.K. Kim, D. Mhamane, M.S. Kim, H.K. Roh, V. Aravindan*, S. Madhavi, K.C. Roh and K.B. Kim, Journal of Power Sources 327 (2016) 121
142. Research Progress in Na-ion capacitors, V. Aravindan*, M. Ulaganathan, and S. Madhavi, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (2016) 7538 (An invited Review, selected as HOT Article in 2016)
141. Tailoring three dimensional α-MnO2/RuO2 hybrid nanostructure as prospective bifunctional catalyst for Li-O2batteries, H. Jang, A. Zahoor, Y. Kim, M. Christy, M.Y. Oh, V. Aravindan, Y.S. Lee, and K.S. Nahm, Electrochimica Acta 212 (2016) 701
140. Graphene based nanocomposites for alloy (SnO2), and conversion (Fe3O4) type efficient anodes for Li-ion battery applications, D. Mhamane, V. Aravindan*, D. Taneja, A. Suryawanshi, O. Game, S. Madhavi, and S. Ogale, Composites Science and Technology 130 (2016) 88
139. Prelithiated LixMn2O4: A new approach to mitigate the irreversible capacity loss in negative electrodes for Li-ion battery, V. Aravindan*, S. Nan, M. Keppeler, and S. Madhavi, Electrochimica Acta 208 (2016) 225
138. Exploring anatase TiO2 nanofibers as new cathode for constructing 1.6 V class “rocking-chair” type Li-ion cells, S. Jayaraman, V. Aravindan*, N. Shubha, M. Ulaganathan and S. Madhavi, Particle & Particle Systems Characterization 33 (2016) 306
137. Silica assisted bottom-up synthesis of graphene like high surface area carbon for highly efficient ultracapacitor and Li-ion hybrid capacitor applications, D. Mhamane, V. Aravindan*, M.S. Kim, H.K. Kim, K.C. Roh, D. Ruan, S.H. Lee, S. Madhavi and K.B. Kim, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (2016) 5578
136. Bio-mass derived electrode for next generation Li-ion capacitors, P. Sennu, V. Aravindan, M. Ganesan, and Y.S. Lee, ChemSusChem 9 (2016) 849
135. Co3O4 nanoparticle loaded 3D interconnected porous graphene for Li-ion battery anode, P. Dhanya, V. Aravindan, S. Madhavi, and S. Ogale, Energy Technology 4 (2016) 816
134. Confined ZrO2 encapsulation over high capacity integrated 0.5Li[Ni0.5Mn1.5]O4·0.5[Li2MnO3· Li(Mn0.5Ni0.5)O2] cathode with enhanced electrochemical performance, G.H. Lee, I.H. Choi, M.Y. Oh, S.H. Park, K.S. Nahm, V. Aravindan and Y.S. Lee, Electrochimica Acta 194 (2016) 454
133. (0 0 1) faceted mesoporous anatase TiO2 microcubes as superior insertion anode in practical Li-ion configuration with LiMn2O4, O. Game, T. Kumari, U. Singh, V. Aravindan*, S. Madhavi, and S. Ogale, Energy Storage Materials 3 (2016) 106
132. Rusted iron wire waste in to high performance anode (α-Fe2O3) for Li-ion battery: An efficient waste management approach, D. Mhamane, H.K. Kim, V. Aravindan*, S. Madhavi and K.B. Kim, Green Chemistry 18 (2016) 1395
131. High energy asymmetric supercapacitor with 1D@2D structured NiCo2O4@Co3O4 and jackfruit derived high surface area porous carbon, P. Sennu, V. Aravindan and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Power Sources 306 (2016) 248
130. A comparative evaluation of differently synthesized high surface area carbons for Li-ion hybrid electrochemical supercapacitor application: Pore size distribution holds the key, A. Suryawanshi, M. Biswal, D. Mhamane, P. Yadav, A. Banerjee, P. Yadav, S. Patil, V. Aravindan*, S. Madhavi and S. Ogale, Applied Materials Today 2 (2016) 1
129. Tube like carbon for Li-ion capacitors derived from the environmentally undesirable plant: Prosopisjuliflora, P. Sennu, H.J. Choi, S.G. Baek, V. Aravindan*, and Y.S. Lee, Carbon 98 (2016) 58
128. Recent advancements in all vanadium redox flow batteries, M. Ulaganathan, V. Aravindan*, Q. Yan, S. Madhavi, M.S. Kazacos and T.M. Lim, Advanced Materials Interfaces 3 (2016) 1500309
127. Unveiling the fabrication of "Rocking-Chair" type 3.2 and 1.2 V class cells using spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 as cathode with Li4Ti5O12, N. Arun, V. Aravindan*, S. Jayaraman, and S. Madhavi, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 114 (2015) 24332
126. Excellent performance of Fe3O4-perforated graphene composite as promising anode in practical Li-ion configuration with LiMn2O4, A. Suryawanshi, V. Aravindan*, D. Mhamane, P. Yadav, S. Patil, S. Madhavi, and S. Ogale, Energy Storage Materials 1 (2015) 152
125. Macroporous carbon from human hair: A journey towards fabrication of high energy Li-ion capacitors, R. Satish, V. Aravindan, W.C. Ling, N.K. Woei, S. Madhavi, Electrochimica Acta 182 (2015) 474
124. Two dimensional mesoporous cobalt sulfide nanosheets as superior anode for Li-ion battery and bifunctional electrocatalyst for Li-O2 system, P. Sennu, M. Christy, V. Aravindan, Y.G. Lee, K.S. Nahm and Y.S. Lee, Chemistry of Materials 27 (2015) 5726
123. Research progress on negative electrodes for practical Li-ion cells: beyond carbonaceous anodes, V. Aravindan*, Y.S. Lee and S. Madhavi, Advanced Energy Materials 5 (2015) 1402225
122. Synthesis of 2D/2D structured mesoporous Co3O4 nanosheets-N-doped rGO composite as highly stable negative electrode for lithium battery applications, P. Sennu, H.S. Kim, J.Y. An, V. Aravindan and Y.S. Lee, Chemistry- An Asian Journal 10 (2015) 1776
121. High surface area porous carbon for ultracapacitor application by pyrolysis of polystyrene containing pendant carboxylic acid groups prepared via click chemistry, S. Chhatre, V. Aravindan, D. Puthussery, A. Banerjee, S. Madhavi, P.P. Wadgaonkar and S. Ogale, Materials Today Communications 4 (2015) 166
120. Ultra-long durability of porous α-Fe2O3 nanofibers in practical Li-ion configuration with LiMn2O4 cathode, S. Jayaraman, V. Aravindan*, M. Ulaganathan, W.C. Ling, S. Ramakrishna, and S. Madhavi, Advanced Science 2 (2015) 1500050
119. TiO2 polymorphs in “Rocking Chair” Li-ion batteries, V. Aravindan*, Y.S. Lee, R. Yazami and S. Madhavi, Materials Today 18 (2015) 345 (An Invited Review)
118. Carbon coated Li3V2(PO4)3 as insertion type electrode for Li-ion hybrid electrochemical capacitors: An evaluation of anode and cathodic performances, R. Satish, V. Aravindan*, W.C. Ling and S. Madhavi, Journal of Power Sources 281 (2015) 310
117. Electrospun nanofibers-A prospective electro-active materials for constructing high performance Li-ion cells, V. Aravindan*, J. Sundaramurthy, P. Suresh Kumar, Y.S. Lee, S. Ramakrishna and S. Madhavi, Chemical Communications 50 (2015) 2225
116. Importance of nanostructure for reversible Li-insertion into octahedral sites of LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 and its application towards aqueous Li-ion chemistry, N. Arun, V. Aravindan*, W.C. Ling, S. Madhavi, Journal of Power Sources 280 (2015) 240
115. Cu-Li2MnSiO4-polyaniline composite hybrids as high performance cathode for lithium batteries, S.N. Lee, S. Baek, S. Amaresh, V. Aravindan, K.Y. Chung, B.W. Cho, W.S. Yoon, and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 630 (2015) 292
114. Nanostructured spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 as new insertion anode for advanced Li-ion capacitors with high power capability, N. Arun, A. Jain, V. Aravindan*, S. Jayaraman, W.C. Ling, M.P. Srinivasan, and S. Madhavi, Nano Energy 12 (2015) 69
113. Fabrication of new 2.3 V class Lithium-ion cells using carbon coated LiTi2(PO4)3 as cathode, V. Aravindan*, M. Ulaganathan, W.C. Ling and S. Madhavi, ChemElectroChem 2 (2015) 231
112. Electrochemical performance of hematite nanoparticles derived from spherical maghemite and elongated goethite particles, D. Maiti, V. Aravindan, S. Madhavi and P. Sujatha Devi, Journal of Power Sources 276 (2015) 291
111. Bio-mass derived mesoporous carbon as superior electrode in all vanadium redox flow battery with multicouple reactions, M. Ulaganathan, A. Jain, V. Aravindan*, S. Jayaraman, W.C. Ling, T.M. Lim, M.P. Srinivasan, Q. Yan and S. Madhavi, Journal of Power Sources 274 (2015) 846
110. Insertion type electrode materials for non-aqueous Li-ion capacitors, V. Aravindan*, J.S. Gnanaraj, Y.S. Lee and S. Madhavi, Chemical Reviews 114 (2014) 11619 (An invited contribution towards the Thematic Issue on Batteries)
109. Indanthrone derived disordered graphitic carbon as promising insertion anode for sodium ion battery with long cycle life, A. Suryawanshi, D. Mhamane, S. Nagane, S. Patil, V. Aravindan*, S. Ogale and S. Madhavi, Electrochimica Acta 146 (2014) 218
108. Oligomer-salt derived 3D, heavily N-doped, n-layer graphene cages for Lithium ion hybrid electrochemical capacitors (Li-HEC) application, R. Gokhale, V. Aravindan, P. Yadav, S. Jain, D. Phase, S. Madhavi, and S. Ogale, Carbon 80 (2014) 462
107. From waste paper basket to solid state and Li-HEC ultracapacitor electrodes: A value added journey for shredded office paper, P. Dhanya, V. Aravindan, B. Anothumakkool, S. Kurungot, S. Madhavi, and S. Ogale, Small 10 (2014) 4395
106. Unveiling TiNb2O7 as an insertion anode for lithium ion capacitors with high energy and power density, V. Aravindan*, J. Sundaramurthy, A. Jain, P.S. Kumar, W.C. Ling, S. Ramakrishna, M.P. Srinivasan, and S. Madhavi, ChemSusChem 7 (2014) 1858
105. Exceptional performance of a high voltage spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode in all one dimensional architectures with an anatase TiO2 anode by electrospinning, N. Arun, V. Aravindan*, S. Jayaraman, N. Shubha, W.C. Ling, S. Ramakrishna and S. Madhavi, Nanoscale 6 (2014) 8926
104. Understanding the exceptional elevated temperature performance of high voltage LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathodes by LiFePO4 modification, W.H. Jang, M.C. Kim, S.H. Kim, V. Aravindan, W.S. Kim, W.S. Yoon and Y.S. Lee, Electrochimica Acta 137 (2014) 404
103. Exceptional performance of TiNb2O7 anode in all one dimensional architecture by electrospinning, J. Sundaramurthy, V. Aravindan*, P. Suresh Kumar, W.C. Ling, S. Ramakrishna and S. Madhavi, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 (2014) 8660
102. Improving the energy density of Li-ion capacitors using polymer-derived porous carbons as cathode, P. Dhanya, V. Aravindan*, S. Madhavi and S. Ogale, Electrochimica Acta 130 (2014) 766
101. Influence of dilution effect on the electrochemical performance of integrated 0.5Li(Mn1.5Ni0.5)O4. 0.5(Li2MnO3–Li(Mn0.5Ni0.5)O2) cathodes, I.H. Choi, J.M. Choi, Y.J. Hwang, V. Aravindan, Y.S. Lee and K.S. Nahm, Ceramics International 40 (2014) 13033
100. Enhanced elevated temperature performance of LiFePO4 modified spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode, W.H. Jang, M.C. Kim, S.N. Lee, J.Y. Ahn, V. Aravindan and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 612 (2014) 51
99. Carbon coated LiTi2(PO4)3 as new insertion anode for aqueous Na-ion batteries, N. Arun, V. Aravindan*, W.C. Ling, and S. Madhavi, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 603 (2014) 48
98. Constructing high energy density supercapacitors from pinecone derived high surface area carbons, K. Karthikeyan, S. Amaresh, S.N. Lee, X. Sun, V. Aravindan and Y.S. Lee, ChemSusChem 7 (2014) 1435 (Special Issue: The Chemistry of Energy Conversion and Storage)
97. Electrospun TiO2–δ nanofibers as insertion anode for Li-ion battery applications, J. Sundaramurthy, V. Aravindan*, P. Suresh Kumar, S. Madhavi and S. Ramakrishna, The Journal of the Physical Chemistry C 118 (2014) 16776 (Invited for Special Issue: Michael Gratzel Festschrift)
96. MOF-derived crumpled-sheet-assembled perforated carbon cuboids as highly effective cathode active material for ultra-high energy density Li-ion hybrid electrochemical capacitors (Li-HEC), A. Banerjee, K.K. Upadhyay, P. Dhanya, V. Aravindan*, S. Madhavi, and S. Ogale, Nanoscale 6 (2014) 4387
95. Carbon-coated Li3Nd3W2O12: A high power and low-voltage insertion anode with exceptional cycleability for Li-ion batteries, R. Satish, V. Aravindan*, W.C. Ling, J.B. Goodenough, and S. Madhavi, Advanced Energy Materials 4 (2014) 1301715
94. Does carbon coating really improves the electrochemical performance of electrospun SnO2 anodes?, V. Aravindan*, J. Sundaramurthy, E.N. Kumar, P. Suresh Kumar, W.C. Ling, R. Hagen, S. Mathur, S. Ramakrishna, and S. Madhavi, Electrochimica Acta 121 (2014) 109
93. Carbon coated LiTi2(PO4)3: An ideal insertion host for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries, V. Aravindan*, W.C. Ling, S. Hartung, N. Bucher, and S. Madhavi, Chemistry- An Asian Journal 9 (2014) 878
92. Fluorine doped Fe2O3 as high energy density electro-active material for hybrid supercapacitor applications by green route, K. Karthikeyan, S. Amaresh, S.N. Lee, V. Aravindan, and Y.S. Lee, Chemistry- An Asian Journal 9 (2014) 852
91. Sol-gel mediated scalable synthesis of aliovalent vanadium doped high voltage LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathodes with extraordinary elevated temperature performance, M.C. Kim, K.W. Nam, E. Hu, X.Q. Yang, H. Kim, K. Kang, V. Aravindan, W.S. Kim and Y.S. Lee, ChemSusChem 7 (2014) 829
90. 3D micro-porous conducting carbon beehive by single step polymer carbonization for high performance supercapacitor: The magic of in situ porogen formation, P. Dhanya, V. Aravindan, S. Madhavi and S. Ogale, Energy & Environmental Science 7 (2014) 728
89. Self-assembled ultrathin anatase TiO2 nanosheets with reactive (0 0 1) facets for highly enhanced reversible Li-storage, L.H. Nguyen, V. Aravindan*, S.A. Kulkarni, F. Yanan, R.R. Prabhakar, S.K. Batabyal and S. Madhavi, ChemElectroChem 1 (2014) 539
88. Activated carbons derived from coconut shells as high energy density cathode material for Li-ion capacitors, A. Jain, V. Aravindan*, S. Jayaraman, P. Suresh Kumar, R. Balasubramanian, S. Ramakrishna, S. Madhavi and M. P. Srinivasan, Scientific Reports 3 (2013) Art no. 3002
87. Palladium and gold nanoparticles modified porous carbon as a high power anodes for lithium-ion batteries, S.C. Raghu, M. Ulaganathan, V. Aravindan* and T.M. Lim, ChemPhysChem 14 (2013) 3887
86. Mesoscopic magnetic iron oxide spheres for high performance Li ion battery anode: A new pulsed laser induced reactive micro-bubble synthesis process, M. Biswal, A. Suryawanshi, V. Thakare, S. Jouen, B. Hannoyer, V. Aravindan, S. Madhavi and S. Ogale, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (2013) 13932
85. A novel strategy to construct high performance lithium-ion cells using one dimensional electrospun nanofibers electrodes and separators, V. Aravindan*, J. Sundaramurthy, P. Suresh Kumar, N. Shubha, W.C. Ling, S. Ramakrishna and S. Madhavi, Nanoscale 5 (2013) 10636
84. Non-aqueous lithium-ion capacitors with high energy densities using trigol-reduced graphene oxide nanosheets as cathode-active material , V. Aravindan*, D. Mhamane, W.C. Ling, S. Ogale, and S. Madhavi, ChemSusChem 6 (2013) 2240
83. Influence of synthesis technique on the structural and electrochemical properties of “cobalt-free”, layered typeLi1+x(Mn0.4Ni0.4Fe0.2)1-xO2 (0 < x < 0.4) cathode material for lithium secondary battery, K. Karthikeyan, S. Amaresh, S.H. Kim, V. Aravindan, and Y.S. Lee, Electrochimica Acta 108 (2013) 749
82. Synthesis of porous LiMn2O4 hollow nanofibers by electrospinning with extraordinary lithium storage properties, J. Sundaramurthy, V. Aravindan*, P. Suresh Kumar, W.C. Ling, S. Ramakrishna and S. Madhavi, Chemical Communications 49 (2013) 6677
81. Synthesis of TiO2 hollow nanofibers by co-axial electrospinning and its superior lithium storage capability in full-cell assembly with olivine phosphate, X. Zhang, V. Aravindan, P. Suresh Kumar, H. Liu, J. Sundaramuthy, S. Ramakrishna and S. Madhavi, Nanoscale 5 (2013) 5973
80. Synthesis of CuO nanostructures from Cu-based metal organic framework (MOF-199) for application as anode for Li-ion batteries, A. Banerjee, U. Singh, V. Aravindan*, S. Madhavi and S. Ogale, Nano Energy 2 (2013) 1158
79. Ultrathin polyimide coating for a spinel LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 cathode and its superior lithium storage properties under elevated temperature conditions, M.C. Kim, S.H. Kim, V. Aravindan, W.S. Kim, S.Y. Lee, and Y.S. Lee, The Journal of the Electrochemical Society 160 (2013) A1003
78. Chemical lithiation studies on combustion synthesized V2O5 cathodes for lithium ion batteries, Y.L. Cheah, V. Aravindan and S. Madhavi, The Journal of the Electrochemical Society 160 (2013) A1016
77. Synthesis and optimization of NASICON-type Li3V2(PO4)3 by adipic acid-mediated solid-state approach, J.N. Son, S.H. Kim, M.C. Kim, K.J. Kim, V. Aravindan, W.I. Cho and Y. S. Lee, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 43 (2013) 583
76. Synthesis and enhanced lithium storage properties of electrospun V2O5 nanofibers in full-cell assembly with spinel Li4Ti5O12 anode, Y.L. Cheah, V. Aravindan* and S. Madhavi, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 5 (2013) 3475
75. Non-aqueous energy storage devices using graphene nanosheets synthesized by green route, D. Mhamane, A. Suryawanshi, A. Banerjee, V. Aravindan*, S. Ogale and S. Madhavi, AIP Advances 3 (2013) 042112
74. Constructing high energy density non-aqueous Li-ion capacitors using monoclinic TiO2-B nanorods, V. Aravindan*, N. Shubha, W.C. Ling, S. Madhavi, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (2013) 6145
73. Superior lithium storage properties of α-Fe2O3 nano-assembled spindles, A. Banerjee, S. Bhatnagar, D. Mhamane, V. Aravindan*, S. Madhavi and S. Ogale, Nano Energy 2 (2013) 890
72. Superior charge-transfer kinetics of NASICON-type Li3V2(PO4)3 cathodes by multivalent Al3+ and Cl– substitutions, J.N. Son, S.H. Kim, M.C. Kim, G.J. Kim, V. Aravindan, Y.G. Lee and Y.S. Lee, Electrochimica Acta 97 (2013) 210
71. LiMnPO4-A next generation cathode material for Lithium-ion batteries, V. Aravindan*, J. Gnanaraj, Y.S. Lee and S. Madhavi, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (2013) 3518 (Selected as most downloaded papers in 2013 and archived as Themed collections)
70. Microwave assisted green synthesis of MgO-carbon nanotube composites as electrode material for high power and energy density supercapacitors, K. Karthikeyan, S. Amaresh, V. Aravindan and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (2013) 4105
69. Atomic layer deposited (ALD) SnO2 anodes with exceptional cycleability for Li-ion batteries, V. Aravindan, K.B. Jinesh, R.R. Prabhakar, V.S. Kale and S. Madhavi, Nano Energy 2 (2013) 720
68. Li(Mn1/3Ni1/3Fe1/3)O2-Polyaniline hybrids as cathode active material with ultra-fast charge-discharge capability for lithium batteries, K. Karthikeyan, S. Amaresh, V. Aravindan, K.W. Nam, X.Q. Yang and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Power Sources 232 (2013) 240
67. ElectrospunNiO Nanofibers as High Performance Anode Material for Li-Ion Batteries, V. Aravindan, P. Suresh Kumar, J. Sundaramurthy, W.C. Ling, S. Ramakrishna and S. Madhavi, Journal of Power Sources 227 (2013) 284
66. Carbon coated NASICON type Li3V2-xMx(PO4)3 (M=Mn, Fe and Al) materials with enhanced cycleability for Li-ion batteries, J.N. Son, G.J. Kim, M.C. Kim, S.H. Kim, V. Aravindan, Y.G. Lee and Y.S. Lee, The Journal of the Electrochemical Society 160 (2013) A87
65. Unveiling organic-inorganic hybrids as cathode material for high performance lithium-ion capacitors, K. Karthikeyan, S. Amaresh, V. Aravindan, H. Kim, K. Kang and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (2013) 707
64. Extraordinary long-term cycleability of TiO2-B nanorods as anode in full-cell assembly with electrospunPVdF-HFP membrane, V. Aravindan, N. Shubha, Y.L. Cheah, R. Prasanth, W. Chuiling, R.R. Prabhakar and S. Madhavi, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 (2013) 308
63. High-rate and elevated temperature performance of electrospun V2O5 nanofibers carbon-coated by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition, Y. L. Cheah, R.V. Hagen, V. Aravindan, R. Fiz, S. Mathur, S.G. Mhaisalkar and S. Madhavi, Nano Energy 2 (2013) 57
62. Comparison among the performance of LiBOB, LiDFOB and LiFAP impregnated polyvinylidenefluoride-hexafluoropropylene nanocomposite membranes by phase inversion for lithium batteries, V. Aravindan, P. Vickraman, A. Sivashanmugam, R. Thirunakaran and S. Gopukumar, Current Applied Physics 13 (2013) 293
61. High aspect ratio electrospunCuO nanofibers as anode material for Lithium-ion batteries with superior cycleability, R. Sahay, P. Suresh Kumar, V. Aravindan, J. Sundaramurthy, S.G. Mhaisalkar, S. Ramakrishna and S. Madhavi, The Journal of the Physical Chemistry C 116 (2012) 18087
60. Synthesis and enhanced electrochemical performance of Li2CoPO4F cathodes under high current cycling, S. Amaresh, G.J. Kim, V. Aravindan, K.Y. Chung, B.W. Cho and Y.S. Lee, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (2012) 11904
59. High performance lithium-ion cells using one dimensional electrospun TiO2 nanofibers with spinel cathode, P. Suresh Kumar, V. Aravindan, J. Sundaramurthy, V. Thavasi, S.G. Mhaisalkar, S. Ramakrishna and S. Madhavi, RSC Advances 2 (2012) 7983
58. Electrospun TiO2-graphene composite nanofibers as highly durable insertion anode for lithium-ion batteries, X. Zhang, P. Suresh Kumar, V. Aravindan, H.H. Liu, J. Sundaramurthy, S.G. Mhaisalkar, H.M. Duong, S. Ramakrishna and S. Madhavi, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (2012) 14780
57. High-energy density asymmetric supercapacitor based on electrospun vanadium pentoxide and polyaniline nanofibers in aqueous electrolyte, W.F. Mak, G. Wee, V. Aravindan, N. Gupta, S.G. Mhaisalkar and S. Madhavi, The Journal of the Electrochemical Society 159 (2012) A1481
56. High power lithium-ion hybrid electrochemical capacitors using spinel LiCrTiO4 as intercalating electrode, V. Aravindan, W. Chuiling and S. Madhavi, Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (2012) 16026
55. Effect of LiBOB additive on the electrochemical performance of LiCoPO4, V. Aravindan, Y.L. Cheah, W. Chui Ling and S. Madhavi, The Journal of the Electrochemical Society 159 (2012) A1435
54. LiCrTiO4-A high performance insertion anode material for lithium-ion batteries, V. Aravindan, W. Chui Ling and S. Madhavi, ChemPhysChem 13 (2012) 3263
53. Electrochemical performance of NASICON type carbon coated LiTi2(PO4)3 with spinel LiMn2O4 cathode, V. Aravindan, W. Chui Ling and S. Madhavi, RSC Advances 2 (2012) 7534
52. Electrochemical performance of α-MnO2 nanorods/activated carbon hybrid supercapacitor, V. Aravindan, M.V. Reddy, S. Madhavi, G.V. Subba Rao and B.V.R. Chowdari, Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters 4 (2012) 724
51. Improved elevated temperature performance of Al-intercalated V2O5 electrospun nanofibers for lithium-ion batteries, Y.L. Cheah, V. Aravindan and S. Madhavi, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 4 (2012) 3270
50. Free standing electrospun carbon nanofibers-A high performance anode material for lithium-ion batteries, P. Suresh Kumar, R. Sahay, V. Aravindan*, J. Sundaramurthy, W. Chui Ling, V. Thavasi, S.G. Mhaisalkar, S. Madhavi and S. Ramakrishna, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 45 (2012) 265302
49. Realizing the performance of LiCoPO4 cathodes by Fe substitution with off-stoichiometry, S.M.G. Yang, V. Aravindan, W.I. Cho, D.R. Chang, H.S. Kim and Y.S. Lee, The Journal of the Electrochemical Society 159 (2012) A1013
48. Fabrication of high energy density hybrid supercapacitors using electrospun V2O5 nanofibers with self-supported carbon nanotube network, V. Aravindan, Y.L. Cheah, G. Wee, B.V.R. Chowdari and S. Madhavi, ChemPlusChem 77 (2012) 570
47. Carbon coated nano-LiTi2(PO4)3 electrode for non-aqueous hybrid supercapacitor, V. Aravindan, W. Chui Ling, M.V. Reddy, G.V. Subba Rao, B.V.R. Chowdari and S. Madhavi, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14 (2012) 5808
46. Electrochemical performance of cobalt free, Li1.2(Mn0.32Ni0.32Fe0.16)O2 cathodes for lithium batteries, K. Karthikeyan, S. Amaresh, G.W. Lee, V. Aravindan, H. Kim, K.S. Kang, W.S.Kim and Y.S. Lee, Electrochimica Acta 68 (2012) 246
45. Carbon supported, Al doped-Li3V2(PO4)3 as a high rate cathode material for lithium-ion batteries, A.R. Cho, J.N. Son, V. Aravindan, K.S. Kang, W.S. Yoon, W.S. Kim and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Materials Chemistry 22 (2012) 6556
44. Electrochemical lithium insertion behavior of combustion synthesized V2O5 cathodes for lithium-ion batteries, Y.L. Cheah, V. Aravindan and S. Madhavi, The Journal of the Electrochemical Society 159 (2012) A273
43. Novel polymer electrolyte based on cob-web electrospun multi component polymer blend of polyacrylonitrile/poly(methyl methacrylate)/polystyrene for lithium ion batteries-Preparation and electrochemical characterization, R. Prasanth, V. Aravindan and S. Madhavi, Journal of Power Sources 202 (2012) 299
42. Effect of ionic conductivity during the aging of polyvinylidenefluoride-hexafluoropropylene (PVdF-HFP) membrane impregnated with different lithium salts, V. Aravindan and P. Vickraman, Indian Journal of Physics 86 (2012) 341
41. Synthesis and characterization of novel LiFeBO3/C cathodes for lithium batteries, V. Aravindan* and M. Umadevi, Ionics 18 (2012) 27
40. Lithium ion conducting electrolyte salts for lithium batteries, V. Aravindan*, J.S. Gnanaraj, S. Madhavi and H.K. Liu, Chemistry-A European Journal 17 (2011) 14326 (Top 20 most cited Reviews in the past 20 years from Chemistry-A European Journal)
39. Hybrid supercapacitor with nano-TiP2O7 as intercalation electrode, V. Aravindan, M.V. Reddy, S. Madhavi, S.G. Mhaisalkar, G.V. Subba Rao and B.V.R. Chowdari, Journal of Power Sources 196 (2011) 8850
38. Morphology, structure and electrochemical properties of single phase electrospun vanadium pentoxide nanofibers for lithium ion batteries, Y.L. Cheah, N. Gupta, S.S. Pramana, V. Aravindan, G. Wee and S. Madhavi, Journal of Power Sources 196 (2011) 6465
37. Improved performance of polyvinylidenefluoride-hexafluoropropylene based nanocomposite polymer membranes containing lithium bis(oxalato)borate by phase inversion for lithium batteries, V. Aravindan, P. Vickraman, S. Madhavi,A. Sivashanmugam, R. Thirunakaran and S. Gopukumar, Solid State Sciences 13 (2011) 1047
36. LiFePO4 modified Li1.02(Co0.9Fe0.1)0.98PO4 cathodes with improved lithium storage properties, I.C. Jang, C.G. Son, S.M.G. Yang, J.W. Lee, A.R. Cho, V. Aravindan, G.J. Park, K.S. Kang, W.S.Kim, W.I. Cho, and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (2011) 6510
35. Synthesis and improved electrochemical performance of Li2MnSiO4 cathodes, V. Aravindan, K. Karthikeyan, J.W. Lee, S. Madhavi and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 14 (2011) 152001
34. Influence of carbon towards improved lithium storage properties of Li2MnSiO4 cathodes, V. Aravindan, K. Karthikeyan, K.S. Kang, W.S. Yoon, W.S. Kim and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Materials Chemistry 21 (2011) 2470
33. Size controlled synthesis of Li2MnSiO4 nanoparticles: Effect of calcination temperature and carbon content for high performance lithium batteries, V. Aravindan, S. Ravi, W.S. Kim, S.Y. Lee and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 355 (2011) 472
32. Superior lithium storage properties of carbon coated Li2MnSiO4 cathodes, V. Aravindan, K. Karthikeyan, S. Amaresh and Y.S. Lee, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 14 (2011) A33
31. A novel approach to employ Li2MnSiO4 as anode active material for lithium batteries, V. Aravindan, K. Karthikeyan, S. Amaresh, H.S. Kim, D.R. Chang and Y.S. Lee, Ionics 17 (2011) 3
30. Manipulation of adipic acid application on the electrochemical properties of LiFePO4 at high rate performance, C.G. Son, H.M. Yang, G.W. Lee, A.R. Cho, V. Aravindan, H.S. Kim, W.S. Kim and Y. S. Lee, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (2011) 1279
29. Adipic acid assisted sol-gel synthesis of Li2MnSiO4 nanoparticles with improved lithium storage properties, V. Aravindan, K. Karthikeyan, S. Ravi, S. Amaresh, W.S. Kim and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Materials Chemistry 20 (2010) 7340
28. A novel asymmetric hybrid supercapacitor based on Li2FeSiO4 and activated carbon electrodes, K. Karthikeyan, V. Aravindan, S.B. Lee, I.C. Jang, H.H. Lim, G.J. Park, M. Yoshio and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 504 (2010) 224
27. LiMnBO3/C: A potential cathode material for lithium batteries, V. Aravindan, K. Karthikeyan, S. Amaresh and Y.S.Lee, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 31 (2010) 1506
26. Characterization of PVdF-HFP membranes containing nanoscopic AlO(OH)n filler with Li/LiFePO4 cell, V. Aravindan, V. Senthilkumar, P. Nithiananthi and P. Vickraman, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 2 (2010) 033105
25. Preparation of LiCoPO4 and LiFePO4-coated LiCoPO4 materials with improved battery performance, I.C. Jang, H.H. Lim, S.B. Lee, K. Karthikeyan, V. Aravindan, K.S. Kang, W.S. Yoon, W.I. Cho and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 497 (2010) 321
24. The important role of adipic acid on the synthesis of nanocrystalline LiFePO4 with high rate performance, H.H. Lim, I.C. Jang, S.B. Lee, K. Karthikeyan, V. Aravindan and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 495 (2010) 181
23. Lithium ion transport in PVC/PEG 2000 blend polymer electrolytes complexed with LiX (X=ClO4–, BF4– and CF3SO3–), P. Vickraman, V. Aravindan and Y.S. Lee, Ionics 16 (2010) 263
22. Electrochemical performance of carbon-coated Li2MnSiO4/Activated carbon for an asymmetric hybrid supercapacitos, K. Karthikeyan, V. Aravindan, S.B. Lee, I.C. Jang, H.H. Lim, M. Yoshio and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Power Sources 195 (2010) 3761
21. Preparation and electrochemical characterization of LiFePO4 nanoparticles with high rate capability by a sol-gel method, S.B. Lee, I.C. Jang, H.H. Lim, V. Aravindan, H.S. Kim and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 491 (2010) 668
20. Copper-substituted, lithium rich iron phosphate as cathode material for lithium secondary batteries, S.B. Lee, S.H. Cho, J.B. Heo, V. Aravindan, H.S. Kim and Y.S. Lee, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 488 (2009) 380
19. LiFAP based PVdF-HFP microporous membranes by phase inversion technique with Li/LiFePO4 cell, V. Aravindan, P. Vickraman, A. Sivashanmugam, R. Thirunakaran and S. Gopukumar, Applied Physics A 97 (2009) 811
18. Improved cycle performance of sulfur-doped LiFePO4 material at high temperature performance, S.B. Lee, S.H. Cho, V. Aravindan, H.S. Kim and Y.S. Lee, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society 30 (2009) 2223
17. Synthesis and characterization of LiBOB-based PVdF/PVC-TiO2 composite polymer electrolytes, V. Aravindan and P. Vickraman, Polymer Engineering and Science 49 (2009) 2109
16. Li+ ion conduction in TiO2 filled polyvinylidenefluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene based novel nanocomposite polymer electrolyte membranes with LiDFOB, V. Aravindan, P. Vickraman and K. Krishnaraj, Current Applied Physics 9 (2009) 1474
15. Ionic transport, thermal, XRD and phase morphological studies on LiCF3SO3 based PVC/PVdF gel electrolytes, P. Vickraman, V. Aravindan, M. Selvambikai and N. Shankarasubramanian, Ionics 15 (2009) 433
14. Investigations on Na+ ion conducting polyvinylidenefluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene/poly ethylmethacrylate blend polymer electrolytes, V. Aravindan, C. Lakshmi and P. Vickraman, Current Applied Physics 9 (2009) 1106
13. NanoparticulateAlO(OH)n filled polyvinylidenefluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene based microporous membranes for lithium ion batteries, V. Aravindan and P. Vickraman, Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 1 (2009) 023108
12. Polyvinylidenefluoride (PVdF) based novel polymer electrolytes for magnesium rechargeable batteries with Mg(ClO4)2, V. Aravindan, G. Karthikaselvi, P. Vickraman and S.P. Naganandhini, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 112 (2009) 3024
11. Lithium fluoroalkylphosphate based composite polymer electrolytes (NCPE) incorporated with nanosized SiO2 filler, V. Aravindan and P. Vickraman, Materials Chemistry and Physics 115 (2009) 251
10. Polyvinylidenefluoride (PVdF) based novel polymer electrolytes complexed with Mg(ClO4)2, P. Vickraman, V. Aravindan, T. Srinivasan and M. Jayachandran, European Physical Journal Applied Physics 45 (2009) 11101
9. Polyvinylidenefluoride-hexafluoropropylene (PVdF–HFP)-based composite polymer electrolyte containing LiPF3(CF3CF2)3, V. Aravindan, P. Vickraman and T. Prem Kumar, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 354 (2008) 3451
8. Lithium difluoro(oxalate)borate-based novel nanocomposite polymer electrolytes for lithium-ion batteries, V. Aravindan, P. Vickraman and K. Krishnaraj, Polymer International 57 (2008) 932
7. Characterization of SiO2 and Al2O3 incorporated PVdF-HFP based composite polymer electrolytes (CPE) with LiPF3(CF3CF2)3, V. Aravindan and P. Vickraman, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 108 (2008) 1314
6. Polyvinylidenefluoride-hexafluoropropylene based nanocomposite polymer electrolytes (NCPE) complexed with LiPF3(CF3CF2)3, V. Aravindan and P. Vickraman, European Polymer Journal 43 (2007) 5121
5. A novel gel electrolyte with lithium difluoro(oxalato)borate salt and Sb2O3 nanoparticles for lithium ion batteries, V. Aravindan and P. Vickraman, Solid State Sciences 9 (2007) 1069
4. ZrO2 nanofiller incorporated PVC/PVdF blend based composite polymer electrolytes (CPE) complexed with LiBOB, V. Aravindan, P. Vickraman and T. Prem Kumar, Journal of Membrane Science 305 (2007) 146
3. Effects of TiO2 and ZrO2 nanofillers in LiBOB based PVdF/PVC composite polymer electrolytes (CPE), V. Aravindan and P. Vickraman, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 40 (2007) 6754
2. A study on the blending effect of polyvinylidene fluoride in the ionic transport mechanism of plasticized polyvinyl chloride+ lithium perchlorate gel polymer electrolytes, P. Vickraman, V. Aravindan and N. Shankarasubramanian, Ionics 13 (2007) 355
1. A study on LiBOB-based nanocomposite gel polymer electrolytes (NCGPE) for lithium-ion batteries, V. Aravindan and P. Vickraman, Ionics 13 (2007) 27